Monday, February 5, 2007

Chinese traditional culture

I heard from radio that Acupuncture has been adopted as a major in a French University.It reflects the respect for Chinese traditional medicine. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese therapy and was once very popular in ancient China. In sharp contrast, few people know about it and show interest in it.

Due to the issue, I began to wondering how much we know about our traditional culture. Ashamedly, I don't even know what traditional culture is. I googled and found a few websites about it.
However, after having a quick look at the homepage, I got even confused. How can they mixed history and culture together? What they present on the Internet is far from interesting and I believe it's unlikely that ordinary people get command of it. To a certain extent, it's a little bit professional.

What does traditional culture mean to the public? With my colleague's help, I think of a few items. Beijing Opera, Chinese medicine,handcrafts, customs, tea,kong fu. More items occurred to my mind. What about Kong Zi? Dragon? And the Starbucks in the forbidden city? The last day of lunar year excluded from legal festival? They're quite beyond my knowledge. But I will seek a little deep into it.

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