Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Chinese Medicine vs Western Medicine

Chinese Medicine is totally different from Western Medicine. They have different theories and methods.

Chinese Medicine treats people as a whole. It believes all the symptom is a reflection of the inner body. The methods doctors usually use are observation, smelling, asking, and feeling the pulse. A distinctive feature is slow. An old man, a magical prescription and bitter medicines. I believe many Chinese people have such memories, especially the adults. Acupuncture is a typical method. It is believed that there are more than 1000 acupuncture points in human body. Each acupuncture point controls different part of the body and plays a certain function. 365 of them are frequently used. I think we haven't got a thorough understanding of all the acupuncture points. We can cure ills through irritating the specific acupuncture point. Another important notion of Chinese Medicine is to convalesce through care, rest, and nourishment. I strongly agree with the idea. You can refer to:http://www.aijk.com/news/detail/5372.html

Western Medicine has taken the most advanced technology innovations into its treating. Just think about ultrasonic scanning, CT. I found some comments on Western Medicine on the Internet: They treat patients like a machine, making up of components. Funny, right? But kind of reasonable. In corresponding to acupuncture, Western Medicine has surgery. It's much acuter and direct.

Let’s move on to the medicine. Chinese medicine has been criticized for no quantification and no enough scientific foundation. Western medicine for its side effect. Many people wonder if they can combine together. It’s hard on the theory part, but possible on the operation part. Each one can play at the segment that it is good at and can do best. We convalesce through care, rest, and nourishment in daily life, and while we get ill, we can go to western medicine for help.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Chinese traditional culture

I heard from radio that Acupuncture has been adopted as a major in a French University.It reflects the respect for Chinese traditional medicine. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese therapy and was once very popular in ancient China. In sharp contrast, few people know about it and show interest in it.

Due to the issue, I began to wondering how much we know about our traditional culture. Ashamedly, I don't even know what traditional culture is. I googled and found a few websites about it.
However, after having a quick look at the homepage, I got even confused. How can they mixed history and culture together? What they present on the Internet is far from interesting and I believe it's unlikely that ordinary people get command of it. To a certain extent, it's a little bit professional.

What does traditional culture mean to the public? With my colleague's help, I think of a few items. Beijing Opera, Chinese medicine,handcrafts, customs, tea,kong fu. More items occurred to my mind. What about Kong Zi? Dragon? And the Starbucks in the forbidden city? The last day of lunar year excluded from legal festival? They're quite beyond my knowledge. But I will seek a little deep into it.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Know more about history

I always wanted to know more about history, as I believe history can make a person wise. I'd like to start from the basic.

refer to:http://www.3lian.com/zl/114/5000/5000.htm

Period Start&End year capital today's name for capital person establish it
约前2146-1675年 安邑 山西夏县 禹

约前1675-1029年   亳 河南商丘 汤

西周 约前1029-771年 镐京 陕西西安 周文王姬发
东周 前770-256年 洛邑 河南洛阳 周平王姬宜臼 

春秋 前770-476年

战国 前475-221年

秦朝 前221-207年 咸阳 陕西咸阳 始皇帝嬴政


西汉 前206-公元8年 长安 陕西西安 汉高祖刘邦
新朝 9-23年 王莽
东汉 25-220年 洛阳 河南洛阳 汉光武帝刘秀


魏 220-265年 洛阳 河南洛阳 魏文帝曹丕
蜀汉 221-263年 成都 四川成都 汉昭烈帝刘备
吴 222-280年 建业 江苏南京 吴大帝孙权


西晋 265-316 洛阳 河南洛阳 晋武帝司马炎
东晋 317-420 建康 江苏南京 晋元帝司马睿

十六国 304-439


宋 420-479 建康 江苏南京 宋武帝刘裕
齐 479-502 建康 江苏南京 齐高帝萧道成
梁 502-557 建康 江苏南京 梁武帝萧衍
陈 557-589 建康 江苏南京 陈武帝陈霸先


北 386-534 平城 山西大同 魏道武帝拓跋珪
魏 洛阳 河南洛阳
东魏 534-550 邺 河北临漳 魏孝静帝元善见
西魏 535-556 长安 陕西西安 魏文帝元宝炬
北齐 550-577 邺 河北临漳 齐文宣帝高洋
北周 557-581 长安 陕西西安 周孝闵帝宇文觉

隋朝 581-618 大兴 陕西西安 隋文帝杨坚

唐朝 618-907 长安 陕西西安 唐高祖李渊


后梁 907-923 汴 河南开封 梁太祖朱晃
后唐 923-936 洛阳 河南洛阳 唐庄宗李存勖
后晋 936-947 汴 河南开封 晋高祖石敬瑭
后汉 947-950 汴 河南开封 汉高祖刘暠
后周 951-960 汴 河南开封 周太祖郭威


北宋 960-1127 开封 河南开封 宋太祖赵匡胤
南宋 1127-1279 临安 浙江临安 宋高宗赵构

辽国 907-1125 皇都 辽宁 辽国耶律阿保机

大理 937-1254 太和城 云南大理

西夏 1032-1227 兴庆府 宁夏银川

1115-1234 会宁 阿城(黑) 金太祖阿骨打
中都 北京
开封 河南开封

元朝 1206-1368 大都 北京 元世祖忽必烈

明朝 1368-1644 北京 北京 明太祖朱元璋

清朝 1616-1911 北京 北京 皇太极

中华民国 1912-1949 南京 南京


中华人民共和国 1949年10月1日成立,首都北京。

Thursday, February 1, 2007

My wishes for the lunar New Year

Finally, I decided to go home for Spring Festival. A little tired this semester really. I've been thinking about my life all these days. What kind of life do I want to live?

Needn't to be rich, but enough money for me to achieve my wishes. Many friends. As the old saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed. I'll try to help others and treat everyone kindly. Probably you'll encounter him in another corner. Knowledge is a must. History, psychology, economics, and culture. While I have time, I shall travel around the world and know more. Of course, I have to go to cities of China first. It's an amazing country.

A little bit far away. At present, I've have to find a job, and earn enough money for my wishes. Wish my friends happy new year. I'll be off from Feb.10th to Feb. 24th, and I'll have no access to Internet. A good chance for me to review my courses: Networks, Database, Communication Technology. Before I can go home, I have to finish the book about Google.

Apart from that, I want to learn a language. Maybe French,maybe Germany. For English, I still have to enlarge my vocabulary and listen and say more. My oral English is far away from fluent. These days, I am reading a book about public speaking. It's an important communication skill. I've got to get command of it.

Passing by

It's not the first time I start writing blog. I've just heard some bad news. I didn't pass the job interview I attended the day before yesterday. Rather frustrating. I've been undergoing such things all this semester.

Submit CV, attend paper test, attend interview,then comes thank-you letter. Still half year left. I've got to express myself and trying to find a job.

I love the words by Xu Wei:"I am passing by life, or if life is passing by me." No one knows. Just enjoy it.